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Форматы представления авторитетных данных: история и современное состояние


Рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с историей создания и современным состоянием форматов представления авторитетных данных. Впервые комплексно описана история появления и развития данных форматов на примере форматов MARC°21 for Authority Data и UNIMARC/Authorities.

Об авторе

М. В. Стегаева
Президентская библиотека имени Б. Н. Ельцина

Список литературы

1. Декларация о международных принципах каталогизации / IFLA. 2009. URL: declaration.pdf (дата обращения: 15.12.2015).

2. Национальная служба развития системы форматов RUSMARC. URL: (дата обращения: 25.12.2015).

3. Российский коммуникативный формат представления авторитетных/нормативных записей (Российская версия UNIMARC/Authorities). Санкт-Петербург, 1998. 197 с. URL: htm (дата обращения: 15.12.2015).

4. Authorities, a MARC format. Vol. 1 / Processing Services. Libr. of Congress. 1st ed. Washington, 1981. 31 p.

5. Authorities, a MARC format : specifications for magnetic tapes containing authority records / MARC Development Office, Libr. of Congress. Prelim. ed. Washington, 1976. 67 p.

6. Barry R. K. MARC Format for Authority Data. 2009. URL: (accessed 15.12.2015).

7. Gu B. MARC Formats in China: local or international?, 2014, 5 (1). 265-277. URL: 24120/1/MARC_Formats_in_China_GU_9083-14213-5-PB. pdf (accessed 10.12.2015).

8. Canadian MARC communication format : authorities / Canad. MARC Office, Res. a. Planning Branch, Nat. Libr. of Canada. Ottawa, 1974. 92 p.

9. Canadian MARC communication format. Authorities. Vol. 1 / Nat. Libr. of Canada. 3rd ed. Ottawa, 1988. 52 p.

10. Ford M. K. LC’s bibliographic framework initiative and the attractiveness of linked data. Information Standards Quarterly, 2012, 24 2/3, 46-50. URL: (accessed 15.12.2015).

11. Guidelines for authority records and references / Working Group on GARE Revision. 2nd ed. München, K.G. Saur, 2001. 58 p.

12. Hill R. W. Changing the record : a concise guide to the differences between the UKMARC and MARC 21 bibliographic formats. 2000. URL: marcchange.pdf (accessed 17.12.2015).

13. Khademizadeh S., Kokabi М., Veisi A. G. The national library of Iran and IRANMARC. Elixir Library Science, 2014, 72, 25466-25472. URL: (accessed 15.12.2015).

14. Kokabi M. The internationalization of MARC. Pt. 1-4. OCLC Systems & Services, 1996, 12, 1, 21-31 ; 2, 21-26 ; 3, 8-11 ; 4, 20-37.

15. Lee Ch.-J., Lee J.-S. Author name authority control in KORMARC. Record of Workshop on Authority Control among Chinese, Korean and Japanese Languages. 2002. URL: (accessed 15.12.2015).

16. MARC Advisory Committee / Network Development a. MARC Standards Office, Libr. of Congress. 2013. URL: (accessed 10.12.2015).

17. MARC Format Documentation Overview. Authority Format Documentation / Network Development a. MARC Standards Office, Libr. of Congress. [1999-]. URL: http://www. (04/29/2015) (accessed 14.12.2015).

18. MARC harmonization and its impact on the CAN/MARC bibliographic and authority formats. MARC 21 Standards. Documentation / Standards a. Support, Nat. Libr. of Canada. 1997. URL: (accessed 10.12.2015).

19. MARC 21 format for authority data : including guidelines for content designation. Vol. 1 / Network Development a. MARC Standards Office, Libr. of Congress ; Standards a. Support, Libr. A. Arch. Canada, Bibliogr. Standards a. Systems, Brit. Libr. Washington ; Ottawa, 1999. URL: http:// contents.htm (accessed 15.12.2015).

20. MARC 21: harmonized USMARC and CAN/MARC / Network Development a. MARC Standards Office, Libr. of Congr. 1998. URL: html (accessed 10.11.2015).

21. MARC - machine readable cataloging / LI 804 Org. of Inform. Group. URL: http://crystalapplegarthportfolio.weebly. com/uploads/1/4/0/9/14096611/804_pres_marc_portfolio.ppt (accessed 15.12.2015).

22. National level authority record / comp. Ph. A. Bruns. Prelim. ed. Washington, 1982. 95 p.

23. Standards for archival description : a handbook / comp. V. Irons ; Walch for the Working Group on Standards for Arch. Description. Chicago, 1994. 336 p. URL: http://www. (accessed 15.12.2015).

24. Willer M. (ed.) UNIMARC manual : authorities format. 3rd ed. München, K.G. Saur, 2009. 309 p. (IFLA Series on Bibliographic Control ; vol. 38). URL: bitstream/handle/123456789/130773/43605c967692301226 8fe6f9ca1a842e.pdf?sequence=1 (accessed 15.12.2015).

25. Plassard M.-F. (ed.) UNIMARC manual : authorities format. 2nd ed. München, K.G. Saur, 2001. 197 p. (UBCIM Publications. New series ; vol. 22). URL: http://www.ifla. org/files/assets/uca/unimarc-authorities-format.pdf (accessed 15.12.2015).

26. Hopkinson A. (ed.) UNIMARC manual : bibliogr. format. 3rd ed. München : K.G. Saur, 2008. 760 p. (IFLA Series on Bibliographic Control ; vol. 36).

27. UNIMARC/authorities : universal format for authorities / IFLA Steering Group on a UNIMARC Format. Munchen ; London, K.G. Saur, 1991. 80 p.

28. USMARC format for authority data : including guidelines for content designation. Vol. 1 / Network Development a. MARC Standards Office. Washington, 1987. URL: http:// (accessed 15.12.2015).

29. USMARC format for authority data : including guidelines for content designation. Vol. 1 / Network Development a. MARC Standards Office. Washington, 1993. URL: http:// (accessed 15.12.2015).

30. Willer M. IFLA UBCM Working Group on FRANAR. Recommendations for potential changes in UNIMARC authorities format. UNIMARC & Friends, Lisbon, 20-21 March, 2006. URL: f/mirna-willer.pdf (accessed 09.12.2015).


Для цитирования:

Стегаева М.В. Форматы представления авторитетных данных: история и современное состояние. Библиосфера. 2016;(4):13-18.

For citation:

Stegaeva M.V. Formats of authority data: history and current state. Bibliosphere. 2016;(4):13-18. (In Russ.)

Просмотров: 455

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